Demonstrating a knowledge and understanding of HIV and AIDS, other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Tuberculosis (TB) for counselling purposes
■ Explaining Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the progression of the disease.
■ Explaining mother to child transmission.
■ Explaining Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and their relationship to HIV and
■ Explaining the relationship of Tuberculosis (TB) to Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (AIDS).
■ Investigating possible treatment options and programmes
Providing on-going counselling and support to individuals infected or affected by HIV and AIDS
■ Discussing the emotional and spiritual needs of individuals infected or affected by HIV and AIDS.
■ Discussing the physical and practical needs of individuals affected by HIV and AIDS.
■ Explaining issues on the death of a spouse, parent or caregiver.
■ Explaining basic rights and how to access services.
■ Explaining how relationships are affected by HIV and AIDS.
Provide pre and post HIV test counselling
■ Discussing the emotional and spiritual needs of individuals infected or affected by HIV and AIDS.
■ Counselling an individual prior to an HIV test.
■ Counselling an individual after an HIV test.
■ Demonstrating skills and techniques required of an HIV counsellor.
■ Responding to queries about HIV and AIDS.
Supporting children and adults living with HIV and AIDS
■ Describing the transmission, progression and effects of HIV and AIDS on children, adults, families and communities.
■ Demonstrating knowledge of precautions to reduce the risk and spread of infection in adults and children.
■ Providing care for children infected with or affected by HIV and AIDS in various Early Childhood Development settings.
■ Providing appropriate support for children, staff and families living with HIV and AIDS.
Promoting an awareness of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in the community.
■ Children, youth, women, men, mobile communities, sex workers, men having sex with men.
■ Explain Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in a manner that is appropriate to the target audience.
■ Target groups within the community are identified in terms of risk of exposure to STIs.
■ Different types of STIs are identified and described in terms of their signs and symptoms
■ The complications of untreated STIs are explained in terms of the effect on the infected person.
■ Vulnerability of contracting STIs is explained in terms of gender and sexual orientation.
■ Safe sexual behaviour is explained in terms of its importance in preventing infections.
■ The importance of adherence to treatment by the infected person and sexual partner/s is explained in terms of reduced risk of re-infection and complications.
■ Discussing ways in which STIs can be prevented.
■ Abstinence and alternative practices, partner reduction, delayed first sexual intercourse, use of condoms.
■ The use of both male and female condoms is described and demonstrated in terms of best practice requirements and/or manufacturer instructions.
Provide HIV pre-test information and support
■ Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of HIV and AIDS on the human body.
■ Explain how HIV is transmitted.
■ Discuss HIV and AIDS and HIV testing with patient/donor.
■ Assist patients/donors to make an informed decision about HIV testing.
Provide information about HIV and AIDS and treatment options in community care and support situations
■ Describing the rights of people who are infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.
■ Explaining the importance of knowing own HIV status and the implications of taking a test for HIV.
■ Explaining ways to reduce the transmission of HIV from a pregnant HIV positive woman to her child.
■ Explaining post HIV-exposure prophylaxis.
■ Explaining ways to reduce the transmission of HIV from a pregnant HIV positive woman to her child.
■ Explaining the importance of early treatment for opportunistic infections.
■ Discussing access to antiretroviral therapy and the advantages and disadvantages of accepting treatment
Educate and work closely with the community with regard to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immune Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
■ Increase community awareness and knowledge of STIs and HIV/AIDS in order to assist community members to make more informed decisions about their lives.
■ Increase community awareness, knowledge and support of all possible means of prevention
■ Demonstrate an understanding of the procedure and techniques involved in counseling and testing for STIs and HIV/AIDS.
■ Understand the impact of STIs and HIV/AIDS on vulnerable groups within the community.
■ Demonstrate an understanding of treatment, Care and Support of HIV-positive people
■ Promote community discussion of the rights of HIV-positive people and people living with AIDS.